My Number 1 Writing Tip to Connect with Your Ideal Client


May 2, 2018

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Does the blinking cursor have your palms sweating reminiscent of your middle school dance days? I’m here today with my number 1 writing tip to get you writing like you speak & connecting with your ideal client quickly.

You ready?

See… I know this girl.


Like many of my friendships in this online world (ahem modern day online friend dating, anyone???), M and I met on Instagram.

It started with an occasional IG comment here and there… then our friendship progressed into DM chats – and my personal favorite: DM videos – because… hello, my thumbs are sore from all this typing.

A few questions, a few answers, jokes about our lives as photographers, and boom: Insta-friendship.

I mean: if I had a dollar for how many times I told my husband: “We’re friends on Instagram” – I’d rolling in the dough… and he’d probably think I was a lot less crazy.

But I digress. We met on IG. And I quickly discovered just how much she was my person.

I don’t mean like… your go-to, gets-you-like-no-one-else “person.”

(although I have since spent multiple days in person with her and she is straight up awesome)

Instead… I mean the “person” I write to.


Running a business with intention, hustling hard making this thing happen, looking for ways to better her skills in life and biz.

She’s a creative entrepreneur.

She has a skill set that she rocks at (photography!) but always knows there is more to learn from a friend & business mentor. And she’s always seeking new ways to connect and communicate with her clients & build a business that supports her life!

She’s ready to buy (and has bought!) what I have to offer because she’s bought in to what I share.

She’s a friend… someone you can count on.

Plus, she loves smoothie bowls just as much as I do, so she cares about my weird foodie obsessions too.

She’s a #winner.

And ultimately, M is who I write to every time I sit down with a mug of tea ready to clack out some copywriting… newsletters, website copy, Instagram captions… you name it… M is on the mind *in the least creepy way possible*.

It’s easier that way… to have your one “person.”

And if you and I were sitting across the the real table from each other right now, I’d ask you who YOU’RE writing to?

My best writing tip to connect with your ideal client?

Choose one person and write directly to them. It makes this whole copywriting thing a breeze when you know the in’s and out’s of your audience & have a client avatar who becomes your copywriting besties!


  1. Who has been your favorite client you’ve ever worked with? And if you haven’t had one yet, who is your “ideal client?”
  2. What was unique about them & why did you just “click” when working together?
  3. How can you apply what you do in your business to connect with their passions, goals, and pain points?

Whenever you’re writing, write to the person in answer #1. Connect with them on the topics of #2 and #3… and hone in your message just like you’re chatting with a friend.

There is a saying: if you’re trying to talk to everyone, you’re talking to no one… so pick just ONE and use them as your “proxy” for your target audience.

They serve as a representative for your whole target audience population.


Pick your person, stick with them, and chat just like you and “M” are having a conversation over brunch. With mimosas. Duh.

This little trick is a beautiful thing in the copywriting & connecting world. And I can’t wait to see how you put it to use!

Do you have a person? Hit reply to tell me your answers to those questions and who your “person” is! I can’t wait to learn more!

Ready to dive in deeper to your brand voice? Get access to your free signature brand voice guide!

How to Write with Your Signature Brand Voice

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