Myra Cargo | A Creative’s Life

Personal, Product Photography

Mar 24, 2015

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When I visited New York City recently for The Chapel Designer’s 5th Annual New York City workshop, I had the chance to spend a bit of time with a dear friend. Myra Cargo is one of the most intentional and talented artists I’ve ever met. We knew each other back in our high school days, as we went to rival schools, and then, luck would have it that we would live together in college. Doing life with Myra and our 4 other roommates makes up most of my memories, experiences and laughter during those years.

Myra now lives in Manhattan and serves in an artist-in-residency program where she pours into other creatives and creates amazing works. One of the things I love most is capturing a creative’s workspace and the process behind the art. For many creatives, art is life and life is art. Here, it is so evident. On this glorious morning, before she was awake, I snapped a few images of Myra’s inspiring apartment studio space. Then, Myra walked me through her recent series of work – abstract portraits of people in her life – and absolutely blew my mind.

It’s amazing to me to see the lifestyle she and so many other creatives live. At the Chapel Designers workshop, I had the privilege of hearing Joy Thigpen speak. Something she said resonated with me so much: “Every line, shape, color, smell, texture… has a meaning.” For Myra, literally every color in her palette, brush stroke, detail in ink, part of the process… has a meaning. What a beautiful reminder to trust the process and rejoice in outcome! I like to think of this as a little abstract photography portrait of Myra. So grateful to spend this time with her and to share!

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